Glossary A-Z


AMOEBIASIS: an infection caused by a certain amoeba called Endameba histolytic a; often caused by contaminated water or food

ANEMIA: a condition in which there is low red blood cell count in the body

ANALGESIC: Any of a number of remedies that reduces or relieves pain

ANONDYNE: A compound less potent than an anesthetic that is capable of relieving pain

ANTHELMINTHIC: of or relating to a substance capable of destroying or eliminating parasitic worms

ANTI-NOCICEPTIVE: Compounds capable of diminishing pain without negative effects on consciousness or without producing anesthesia

ANTI-PLASMODIAL: substance that counters parasites of the genus Plasmodium

ANTIBIOTIC: a substance, such as penicillin or erythromycin, produced by or derived from certain microorganisms, including fungi and bacteria,  that can destroy or inhibit the growth of other microorganisms, especially bacteria

ANTIBLENNORRHAGIC: agent to prevent or resolve mucous discharge

ANTICHOLESTEREMIC: promoting a reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood

ANTIEMETIC: an agent that relieves vomiting

ANTIFEEDANT: a chemical agent that causes a pest, as an insect, to stop eating

ANTIGONADOTROPIC:  tending to inhibit the physiological activity of gonadotropic hormones

ANTIHEPATOTOXIC: substance that acts against injury to the liver or impairment of the liver function caused by exposure to xenobiotic such as drugs, food additives, alcohol, chlorinated solvents, peroxided fatty acids, fungal toxins, radioactive isotopes, environmental toxicants, and even some medicinal plants

ANTILITHIC: preventing an abnormal concretion, usually composed of mineral salts, occurring within the body, chiefly in hollow organs or their passages (also called stones) or promoting their dissol

ANTIMICROBIAL: an agent that attenuates kills or inhibits the growth or reproduction of microbes, to prevent their multiplication or growth, or to prevent their pathogenic action

ANTIMUTAGENIC: having the ability to block or prevent mutations

ANTIOXIDANT: an agent that inhibits oxidation; any of numerous chemical substances including certain natural body products and nutrients that can neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances

ANTIPROLIFERATIVE: used or tending to inhibit cell growth, particularly tumor cells

ANTIPROTOZOAL: tending to destroy or inhibit the growth of protozoan

ANTIPRURITIC: tending to relieve or prevent itching

ANTIPYRETIC: an agent that reduces fever

ANTISCORBUTIC: substance counteracting scurvy, a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C and characterized by spongy gums, loosening of the teeth, and a bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes

ANTISEPTIC: preventing or inhibiting the growth or action of microorganisms (such as bacteria) in or on living tissue (such as the skin or mucous membranes)

ANTISPASMODIC: capable of preventing or relieving spasms or convulsions

ANTITUSSIVE: a cough suppressant

ANXIOLYTIC: substance that relieves anxiety

APHRODISIAC:  an agent that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desire

ASTRINGENT: causing contraction or arresting discharges


BLENNORRHEA: any free discharge of mucus, especially a gonorrheal discharge from the urethra or vagina

BRONCHITIS: inflammation of the air passages between the nose and the lungs, including the windpipe or trachea and the larger air tubes of the lung that bring air in from the trachea

BRONCHODILATOR: a substance that widens the air passages of the lungs and eases breathing by relaxing bronchial smooth muscle


CALYX: a flower-shaped or funnel-shaped structure

CATARRH: inflammation of a mucous membrane (particularly of the head and throat), with free discharge of mucus

CHOLAGOGUE: an agent that stimulates gallbladder contraction to promote bile flow

CLAUDICATION: a halt or lameness in a person’s walk; a limp

COLIC: persistent, unexplained crying in a healthy baby between two weeks and five months of age 

CONCOCTION: a mixture of two medicinal substances, usually done with the aid of heat

CONJUNCTIVITIS: an inflammation or redness of the lining of the white part of the eye and the underside of the eyelid (conjunctiva) that can be caused by infection, allergic reaction, or physical agents like infrared or ultraviolet light


DECOCTION: A decoction is an herbal preparation created by boiling herbs in liquid, usually water

DEPURATIVE: purifying agent

DETOXICANT: any agent that removes toxins from the body

DIAPHORETIC: an agent that increases perspiration

DIURETIC: an agent that increases urine excretion

DRACONTIASIS: an infection with the Guinea worm

DYSENTERY: a general term for a group of gastrointestinal disorders characterized by inflammation of the intestines, particularly the colon; characteristic features include abdominal pain and cramps, straining at stool (tenesmus), and frequent passage of watery diarrhea or stools containing blood and mucus

DYSMENORRHEA: the occurrence of painful cramps during menstruation

DYSTOCIA: abnormal difficulty during labor or childbirth


ECZEMA: any superficial inflammatory process involving primarily the epidermis, marked early by redness, itching, minute papules and vesicles, weeping, oozing, and crusting, and later by scaling, lichenification, and often pigmentation; Eczema is a common allergic reaction in children but it also occurs in adults, usually in a more severe form

EDEMA: a condition of abnormally large fluid volume in the circulatory system or in tissues between the body’s cells

EMETIC: an agent that causes vomiting

EMMENAGOGUE: an agent that induces or hastens menstrual flow

ENTERALGIA: severe abdominal pain accompanying spasm of the bowel

ENTERITIS: inflammation of the intestine, especially the small intestine

ENURESIS: a type of urinary incontinence, usually referring to involuntary discharge of urine during sleep at night (bed wetting) 

ETHNOMEDICINAL: referring to any of a number of traditional, often aboriginal, medical systems that use native plants and herbs for medicinal purposes


FEBRIFUGE: effective against fever 

FIBROSITIS: inflammation of fibrous tissue; used to denote generalized muscle aching, soreness, or stiffness, with multiple tender trigger points 


 GALACTAGOGUE: a substance that stimulates milk production

 GASTROINTESTINAL: of or relating to the stomach and intestines

GASTRITIS: commonly refers to inflammation of the lining of the stomach, but the term is often used to cover a variety of symptoms resulting from stomach lining inflammation and symptoms of burning or discomfort

GENITO-UNRINARY: related to the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases

GONORRHEA: a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhea; he mucous membranes of the genital region may become inflamed without the development of any other


HELMINTHIASIS: the condition of having intestinal parasite worms

HEPAPROTECTIVE: the ability of a chemical substance to prevent damage to the liver

HEPATITIS: inflammation of the liver, due usually to viral infection but sometimes to toxic agents

HEPATOBILIARY: pertaining blood in the bile or bile ducts

HEPATOSIS: any functional disorder of the liver

HOMEOSTATIC: relating to the state of dynamic equilibrium of the internal environment of the body

HYPOCHOLESTEROLEMIA: the presence of abnormally small amounts of cholesterol in the circulating blood

HYPERTENSION: high blood pressure

HYPOGLYCEMIC: pertaining to or characterized by low blood sugar

HYPOTENSIVE: characterized by low blood pressure or causing reduction in blood pressure


IMMUNODEFICIENCY: referring to a state in which part of the immune system is missing or defective; therefore, the body’s ability to fight infections is impaired

IMMUNOMODULATORY: Capable of modifying or regulating one or more immune functions

INFUSION: the process of steeping (soaking) herbs in water until the water absorbs the oils and flavors, then drinking the liquid for the taste or for the medicinal value

INSOMNIA: the inability to obtain an adequate amount or quality of sleep; the difficulty can be in falling asleep, remaining asleep, or both


JAUNDICE: a condition in which a person’s skin and the whites of the eyes are discolored yellow due to an increased level of bile pigments in the blood resulting from liver dise


LACTAGOGUE: promoting the flow of milk

LARVICIDAL: destructive to larvae

LUMBAGO: pain in the lumbar region of the back, an old popular term for lower back pain


MALARIA: a serious infectious disease spread by certain mosquitoes; characterized by recurrent symptoms of chills, fever, and an enlarged spleen


 NEUROPROTECTIVE: any agent that protects the brain from secondary injury caused by stroke


OPTHALMIC: of or relating to or resembling the eye

ORCHITIS: inflammation of one or both of the testes

OTALGIA: pain in the ear; earache


PAROTITIS: inflammation of the parotid glands, as in mumps

PHARYNGITIS: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx; sore throat

PROPHYLACTIC: an agent that acts to defend against or prevent something, especially disease; protective

PROPHYLAXIS: prevention of or protective treatment for disease

PROTEINURIA: excessive protein in the urine, as frR

RHEUMATISM: any of several disorders characterized by pain and stiffness in the joints or muscles

PRURITIS: itching condition

PURGATIVE: an agent for purging the bowels MBAGO: pain in the lumbar region of the back, an old popular term for lower back


SCABIES: a contagious skin infection caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, characterized by intense itching, inflammation, and the formation of vesicles and pustules

SCHISTOSOMIASIS: a chronic anemia and organ infection caused by parasitic flukes of the genus Schistosoma, transmitted through feces-contaminated river snails

SCLERODERMIA: a disease in which connective tissue becomes hardened and rigid

SIALOGOGUE: agent that can stimulate and increase the flow of saliva

SINUSITIS: inflammation of the sinuses or a sinus, especially in the nasal region

STOMACHIC: an agent that is beneficial to the stomach; stimulating gastric digestion; sharpening the appetite


TAENICIDE: an agent that destroys tapeworms

TINCTURE: a traditional herbal tincture is made by steeping herbs in high-proof ethyl alcohol (sometimes vinegar) to extract and concentrate their medicinal constituent

TRYPANOSOMIASIS: infection of a parasitic flagellate protozoan of the genus Trypanosomosis, which lives in the blood of vertebrates, is transmitted by certain insects, and causes sleeping sickness and certain other diseases

TUBERCULOSIS: an infectious disease of humans and animals caused by the tubercle bacillus and characterized by the formation of tubercles on the lungs and other tissues of the body, often developing long after the initial infection; tuberculosis of the lungs is characterized by the coughing up of mucus and sputum, fever, weight loss, and chest pain

TRYPANOCIDAL: a substance effective in killing any of various parasitic flagellate protozoans of the genus Trypanosoma, transmitted to the vertebrate bloodstream, lymph, and spinal fluid by certain insects and often causing diseases such as sleeping sickness and nagana om kidney disease

URICOSURIC: increasing or promoting the excretion of uric acid in urine


VASORELAXANT: an agent that promotes the decrease of vascular pressure by lowering tension in the walls of blood cells

VERMIFUGE: a substance that expels intestinal worms

VULNERARY: a remedy used in healing or treating wounds

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